Children's games for getting to know each other. A collection of games "Let's get to know each other!" Games for preparatory


Psychological training for junior squads

The objectives of this training are the following:

Development of group structures and processes; - maintaining a favorable intra-group climate in the detachment; - relieving psychological stress and establishing good relationships in the group; - cohesion and organizational development of the children's community.

Lesson 1

1. Introductory speech by a psychologist

Explain the goals of the classes, tell how they will be held. Leading. Guys, Leopold the Cat will help me conduct classes. Of course, you watched the cartoon about him? What kind of character was the cat? (Good, he wanted to be friends with everyone.) Would you like to be friends with him? Then let's get to know him.

2. Getting to know each other

The participant says his name and passes the ball to his neighbor, who also says his name. The ball is passed around until all participants say their name. The participant throws the ball to any member of the group. He says his name and throws the ball to someone of his choice. The participant says his name to any member of the group and the name of the person to whom he throws the ball.

3. Flower - name

Leading. Leopold the Cat invites you to close your eyes and imagine a summer day in the garden, smell the smells, hear the birds singing and see beautiful flowers around you. (The music “Magic Sounds of Nature” plays.) You need to call one flower by its name, look at it, smell it, pick it up, remember how your hands feel, whisper your name. After this, the children take a deep breath and open their eyes. Each child draws his own flower.

4. Greetings for classes

Leopold the cat. While you were drawing, I came up with a greeting for our classes: Let's live together and cherish our friendship. And never quarrel - Then things will all work out! Did you like the greeting? And now, together, let’s read the greeting together (hands out cards with text). Well done! What songs do you know about friendship? (Children list.) What song can you sing now? (Children sing any familiar song about friendship.) Guys, what’s your mood now? Why?

5. Humpty Dumpty

Leading. Well, then imagine that you are Humpty Dumpty. Show how you can make noise, have fun, dangle your arms, legs, and turn your head. (Children spin and make noise.) Presenter. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep. Children turn their torso left and right, their arms dangle freely. When they hear the words “fell in their sleep,” they lean forward. The presenter himself can show all this. Leading. Let's laugh! We swing our arms and legs. We have a lot of fun and laugh! They clapped and shook their hands. Well done!

6. Two friends

Leopold the cat. Listen to T. Volgina’s poem “Two Friends” and evaluate the behavior of both guys. Two friends came to the river to sunbathe. One decided to swim - began to swim and dive. The other sits on a pebble and looks at the wave, And is afraid to swim: “What if I drown?” Two friends went ice skating in winter. One rushes like an arrow - blush on his cheeks! Another stands confused in front of his friend: “It’s cramped here, it’s very slippery, what if I fall?!” One day a thunderstorm caught my friends in a meadow. One of them went for a run and warmed up while running. The other one was trembling under a bush, and now things are bad: Lying under the blankets: “Kha-kha!.. Apchhi! Apchhi! Children assign roles and pantomimically illustrate the poem, which the leader reads again.

7. Playing with sand by the sea

Leading. Imagine that you are on the seashore (cassette “The Sound of the Sea”). The warm, gentle sun warms and caresses you. Look how the sand sparkles in the sun. We took sand in our hands. (Inhale.) We clenched our fingers tightly into a fist to hold the shifting sand. (Hold your breath.) Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your toes. (Exhalation). Drop your arms exhaustedly along your body. Too lazy to move heavy arms.

8. Playing philosophers

Presenter (with a basket in his hands, speaking in a low voice). Children, there are no mushrooms or berries in this basket, there is a surprise here! Please look here! You can get what is there. Children take out multi-colored paper “hearts” on which questions are written: “What is a person?”, “What is friendship?”, “What is joy?” The children are talking. The presenter summarizes their reasoning.

9. I'm not like everyone else, and we're all different.

Children are asked to use colored pencils to draw or describe a state of joy for 5 minutes. A drawing can be concrete or abstract - whatever you like. After completing the task (the drawing must be signed), all drawings and descriptions are placed in a “magic box”. Everything is mixed, a large pack is pulled out, which the schoolchildren examine, passing the sheets to each other. The presenter asks the children to pay attention to the differences in the understanding of joy. There is some discussion and the conclusion is that people have different understandings of the same things. The sheets are put back into the “magic box”, mixed, and pulled out. Everyone is invited to find their own piece of paper. There is a discussion about whether it was easy or difficult to do. Analyzes why. The conclusion is drawn that each person is special and unique. Therefore, every person is irreplaceable. And this is an important basis for each person to feel his worth.

10. My portrait in the sun

Leading. Try to answer the question: “Why do I deserve respect?” To make it easier for you to do this, draw a sun, write your name in the center of the solar circle and draw your portrait. Then, along the rays, write all your virtues, all the good things that you know about yourself. Try to have as many rays as possible.

11. Lesson reflection

The facilitator asks questions for discussion. What did we learn about in our lesson? What didn't you like? Why do we play these games? The children leave. Leopold the cat says goodbye to them: hand in hand with each one.

Lesson 2

2. Sun and cloud

(tension and relaxation of the trunk muscles) Presenter. The sun went behind the cloud, it became fresh - curl up into a ball to warm up (hold your breath). The sun came out from behind a cloud. It’s hot, you’ve been sunburnt - relax (as you exhale).

3. Autotraining

Leading. Stand up. Relax, direct your attention to your breathing, breathe evenly and calmly... Close your eyes. Imagine a summer day, you are walking through a fabulous, enchanted forest. Trees are your friends. Relatives, people you love. You smile at them, wave your hand welcomingly, and they answer you, greeting you with the rustling of leaves. And you also really want to turn into some kind of tree in order to better understand your friends. Imagine that you are a tree: some are oak, some are birch, some are maple, some are rowan, some are palm trees (music sounds). You have stretched out your arms-branches high to the sun, on which leaves-fingers are moving. The light-winged wind caresses your leaf-fingers, and they rustle gently and reverently. Feel how energy begins to flow into you from above through your open palms and fingers. The energy of the sun is fire, the energy of air is coolness. Feel how the streams of this energy move through your hands, down, throughout your body. The wind has picked up a little. Your arms-branches began to move and now your trunk is slightly swaying. Feel how firmly you stand on your feet, how confident you are. The wind subsides... You feel your legs-roots. Legs-roots absorb the life-giving power of mother earth. Inhale the aroma of the wind throughout your entire crown. Absorb the juices and forces of the earth. Fill yourself with the energy of the gentle sun. Reach for the sun, reach out. Feel the powerful, indomitable force throughout your entire body. Strength, inspiration, joy. Send your love to all your friends and loved ones. They love you very much. Feel the surge of energy that comes from them. Slowly open your eyes. Stretch. Shake your brushes. Each of the guys takes turns talking about their feelings. Who imagined themselves as which tree? Did you feel warm and energized?

4. Tree drawing

Leading. Now draw each your own tree. Calm music is playing, children are drawing.

5. Swap places on some basis

Leading. Guys, although you and I are different, like these trees that you drew, we have something in common. Look carefully at each other and swap places with those who have... (for example, the same eye color, hair, something the same in clothes, etc.). Participants who have the named sign quickly change places with each other, the driver strives to take one of the vacant seats. The one left without a chair becomes the driver. The game stops when the signs begin to repeat.

6. Lesson reflection

Lesson 3

1. Reflection on the previous lesson

2. Tell us about yourself

The presenter invites the children to tell something good about themselves: about their habits, skills, qualities, actions. The speaker is unanimously applauded.

3. Compliments

Leading. You need to throw the ball to any participant in the circle with the words: “What I like about you is that you...” The person who receives the ball throws it to another participant with the same words.

4. Gifts

The presenter invites participants to come up with a gift for the neighbor standing on the right. There is no need to name the object: you need to show with gestures and facial expressions what it is. The child must guess what kind of gift it is and accept it.

5. Question about you

Participants throw a ball to each other and ask a question. Questions relate to hobbies, family, actions. The person who receives the ball gives the answer to the question, then throws the ball to another participant, asking his own question.

6. My mood

Participants are asked to take some paint onto a brush. You can choose any color you want. Then you need to splash paint on a sheet of paper - you get a blot. The sheet is folded in half so that an imprint remains on the second half of the sheet. Then you need to try to understand what the blot looks like.

7. Dance game

8. Lesson reflection

Discussion of the lesson. Farewell to the cat Leopold and the presenter.

Lesson 4

1. Reflection on the previous lesson

2. Game "Conspirator"

The driver is selected using any rhyme about friendship. He looks at the participants carefully, trying to remember them. The driver is blindfolded. Participants change places. The driver is brought to one of them. He must recognize by touch the person to whom he was led.

3. Dialogue between good and evil

The presenter throws the ball to the participant and says a word. If this word can be classified as good, the participant catches the ball and lifts it up. If this word can be attributed to the realm of evil, the participant catches the ball and places it on the floor or lowers it down. Then the participant comes up with his own word and throws the ball to another. Words of goodness - friendship, love, peace, joy, etc. Words of evil - war, hostility, horror, terrorists, anger, etc.

4. Game "Letter"

Participants choose a driver. He stands in the middle of the circle and carefully watches the players who are holding each other's hands. One of them announces to whom he is “sending a letter.” The letter is sent with a handshake. The person who receives the handshake passes it on to the next person, and so on until the recipient receives it. Having received the “letter”, the addressee says: “I received the letter,” and sends the letter himself. The participants' task is to send the letter unnoticed. If the driver saw the transmission of the “letter”, then the one who shook hands at that moment becomes the driver.

5. Lotto tolerance

On a field lined with squares (white and black), children lay out special cards. Pictures related to tolerance are placed on white squares, and pictures related to intolerance are placed on black squares. White squares are outlined with a thin black outline, and black ones with white. This means that white can become black as a result of any action, and black can become white. The guys must figure out what needs to be changed in people’s lives so that wars and strife stop. Various problems that may arise in the family, school, communication with peers, etc. are played out. Gradually, children are introduced to the concept of “tolerance.” The game can be used in ethics and conflictology lessons. The children learn to reason about moral values.

6. Lesson reflection

The facilitator asks questions for discussion. What did you like? What didn't you like? Why do we play these games? To the music of the song “If You Are Kind,” the children say goodbye to the cat Leopold and the presenter.

Lesson 5

1. Reflection on the previous lesson.

Leading. Let's remember what we did at the previous meeting? If children forget something, you need to remind them. Some games can be repeated at the request of the children.

2. Game “Compliments”

Children give each other compliments, for example: “What I like about you is that you are kind,” etc.

3. The Tale of Mowgli

Leopold the cat. Guys, now I’ll read you an excerpt from a famous story, and you tell me who wrote it and what it’s called. It was seven o'clock on a hot evening in the Sionian Mountains when Father Wolf woke up after a day's rest, scratched himself, yawned and stretched his numb paws one after another, driving away the sleep. Mother Wolf was dozing, placing her large gray muzzle on the four wolf cubs, and they were tossing and turning and squealing, and the moon was shining at the mouth of the cave where the whole family lived. - Ugh! - said Father Wolf. - It's time to hunt again. He was about to gallop down the mountain when suddenly a short shadow with a shaggy tail lay on the threshold and whined: “I wish you good luck, O Chief of Wolves!” Good luck and strong, white teeth to your noble children. Let them never forget that there are hungry people in the world... (At the end of reading - the children's answers.) Leopold the cat. That's right, the fairy tale was written by the classic of English literature R. Kipling. It is about the boy Mowgli, who was raised by the animals of the jungle. (Shows the book.) Leopold the cat asks the children questions. Who greeted the wolf? What kind of character was the jackal? What did he say in his greeting? What animals live in the jungle?

4. Pantomime

The presenter invites the children to portray different animals that live in the jungle.

5. Game “What I Love”

Leopold the cat. Mowgli knew the habits of all animals well. Who was Mowgli's friends with? (Children's answers.) Leopold the cat. Right. How well do you know each other? After all, to be friends with someone, you need to know all his habits well. Let's play this game. Each participant will say what he likes. Then the other participants must remember who likes what.

6. Game “Who do I feel like?”

Leopold the cat. Guys, imagine yourself as one of the heroes of R. Kipling’s book “Mowgli” and answer the question: “Who do I feel like when...” (Hands out pieces of paper with questions.) I feel like Bagheera when... I feel like a Bear Baloo, when... I feel like Boa Constrictor Kaa, when... I feel like Tiger Shere Khan, when... I feel like Tabaka the Jackal, when... I feel like the leader - Wolf Akela, when... I feel like a monkey when... I feel like Mother Wolf when... I feel like Father Wolf when... I feel like White Cobra when... I feel like Vantal (lone wolf) when ... I feel like the Red Flower when... I feel like Mowgli when...

7. Game “Night and Day in the Jungle”

Leading. Attention! One of you will be the driver. So, night comes. Players, freeze in different poses, imitating one of the jungle animals. The driver remembers the poses of the players and their clothes. Then he is blindfolded and turns away from the players. Players change poses and anything in clothing (3-5 changes can be made). The day has come, and every day is unique for us. So what has changed? If the driver correctly named all the changes, you need to praise him: “You have good powers of observation.”

8. Drawing of the beast

Leopold the cat. Guys, now draw some animal from this fairy tale. Who would you like to be like? (Children draw.)

9. Dance game

Children portray their favorite characters from this fairy tale to cheerful music.

10. Lesson reflection

The facilitator asks questions for discussion. What did we learn about in our lesson? What did you like? What didn't you like? What feelings did meeting your favorite book evoke? Farewell to the cat Leopold and the presenter.

Lesson 6

1. Reflection on the previous lesson

2. Game “What I don’t like”

Each participant says what he doesn't like. Then everyone remembers what each participant said.

3. Game “Teacher Balu”

Leopold the cat. Guys, do you remember who Baloo and Bagheera turned to when the monkeys stole Mowgli? (Children's answers.) Leopold the cat. That's right, to Kaa the Boa. How did they get Kaa to respond to help? Children's answers. Bagheera and Baloo told Kaa the Boa how the monkeys called him a “legless yellow earthworm.” Leopold the cat. Show how the Boa constrictor got angry. (Children show.) Leopold the cat. So, Boa Constrictor helped save Mowgli and later became his friend. And what were the sacred words of the jungle that Mowgli said to the kite to save his life? Children's answers. “You and I are of the same blood, you and I.” Leopold the cat. Who taught him these words? Children's answers. Teacher - Bear Baloo. One presenter is selected to play the role of Balu's teacher. He shows how he would spend a lesson learning the treasured words of the jungle. We need the children to come up with something that can be used instead of the spanks that Baloo Mowgli gave. Each participant must play the role of Baloo and Mowgli. Leopold the cat. So what do we all have the same? Children's answers. We are all of the same blood!

4. Joint drawing

Children draw together characters from R. Kipling's fairy tales.

5. Dance game

Children portray their favorite jungle animals.

6. Reflection

Farewell to the cat Leopold and the presenter.

Lesson 7

1. Reflection on previous lessons

2. Lotto tolerance

3. Game “Friendly Family”

Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle. Everyone is busy with some kind of work: someone sculpts from plasticine, someone hammers small nails into a board, someone knits, someone embroiders, etc. It's nice to look at a family in which everyone works so harmoniously. Children should perform manipulations with their hands as if they were holding not imaginary objects, but real ones. The game is accompanied by the music of R. Pauls “The Golden Ball”.

4. Birthday of Leopold the Cat

Leading. Guys, today is Leopold the cat's birthday and he invited us. Let's sing a birthday song for him. (The phonogram “Songs of the Crocodile Gena” plays.) Presenter. Guys, what gifts have you prepared for our respected cat Leopold? Show them through facial expressions and gestures. (Children give imaginary gifts to Leopold the cat.)

4. Game “I Give a Smile”

Leading. Now we will all take turns giving Leopold the cat our smile. Well done! Everyone immediately started having fun! Who can tell me why they say that a good mood helps in friendship and business? (Children's answers.) Presenter. Where does friendship begin? (Children's answers.) Presenter. That's right, with a smile! Let's sing a song about a smile. (The soundtrack of the song “Smile” plays.)

5. Game "Piano"

Each of the participants places their right palm on the thigh of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the thigh of the neighbor on the left, while the hands of the participants are crossed. The presenter gives the participants the task: to clap their palms on their legs strictly in the order of the palms. (For the participant, this means that he claps, then his two neighbors, then him again.)

6. Game “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!”

7. Joint drawing

Leading. Let's draw a gift for the cat Leopold. The drawing should be on the theme “Guys, let’s live together!” What else would you like to wish or give to Leopold the cat? (Children read poems and give gifts made with their own hands.)

8. Dance game

9. Tea party

(The song “If You Are Kind” plays.) Leopold the Cat. Today I am happy because I have made new friends. Thank you for the gifts, poems, songs and dances. And the cooks from our school helped me prepare this “Friendship” cake. Let's say to them together: “Thank you!”

Author: Larisa Evgenievna Korobko, MAOU “Secondary School No. 46”, Ulan-Ude.
September 15, 2008
Game program script
"Let's get acquainted!"
The goal is to organize meaningful and emotionally rich leisure time for children 7-
11 years old (the event can be timed to coincide with the opening of the season at a summer holiday camp).
- get to know the children;
- create a festive mood;
- promote the development of children's creative abilities;
- popularize domestic children's literature and animation.
- elements of costumes of fairy-tale heroes (3 elements each)
- musical compilation of dances of the peoples of the world
Oh, how many boys and girls have gathered here! Guys, let's get acquainted! I suggest doing this with the help of an interesting game.
The presenter plays a game with the audience - a chant.
How many of you are here today?
I can’t read it in a day!
You are Dima, Sveta, Seryozha, Tanyusha.
Did you guess right? Let's check...
All the Leshas clap, the Nastyas stomp,
Egor and Seryozha are jumping,
Katya and Masha are kicking their legs,
Lights raise their hands,
Zhenya squats at full speed.
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So, one, two, three - say your name!
Note: It is better to find out the names of the children present in advance in order to include in the chant exactly those that are most common in this group.
GAME WITH SPECTATORS “Dwarves and Giants”
A game of attentiveness. The presenter explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone should sit down, and if he says “giants,” everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The leader may intentionally give incorrect commands, for example: “Potato! Rope! Pockets! Ve-derko!”
Host - So we met. We are pleased to welcome everyone today to our village called Prostokanikulovo and want to get to know you all better. We will get to know each of you and your squads. Let's start with the units.
The units give their names and motto.
And now we will find out which squad is the most artistic. I need Uncle Fyodor as an assistant (put on a scarf).
Hands out task cards
Theater competition.
Participants need to find the elements of their costume and quickly put them on. The teams must guess the heroes and name the cartoon.
Let's check which squad knows cartoons best.
1. What did the wolf shout to the hare from the cartoon of the same name? (Wait for it!)
2. What kind of headdress did the postman Pechkin wear even in the summer? (Hat.)
3. Whom did the cat Matroskin offer to sell in order to buy a cow? (Sharika.)
4. Both in the Russian tale and in the American cartoon, this cat walks around wearing exactly this (In boots)
5. What question does the talkative Galchonok ask from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino” (“Who’s there?”)
6. In cartoons there are different fairy-tale characters - elves, gnomes, fairies. Who was Shrek? (huge)
7. Name the green ogre's lover (Princess Feona)
8. Why didn’t Pechkin give the parcel to the heroes? (They had no documents.)
9. What documents did the cat Matroskin show to Pechkin? (Whiskers, paws, tail.)
10. What is the name of the calf in the cartoon? (Gavryusha.)
11. Name the fairy tale owner of the longest blond hair (Rapunzel)
12. Where did Matroskin’s cat’s uncle work? (At the shoe polish factory.)
13. What was Alex able to do better than all the lions (dance)
14. What was Melman the giraffe most afraid of? (infections, get sick)
15. What was the squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age” most afraid of losing? (acorn)
16. What did the grandmother from the cartoon about Alyosha Popovich give as a tribute to the Tatars (golden tooth)
17. Who was truly in love with Gloria? (Malman)
18. To which part of the world were the jackal and the tiger Sherkhan from the cartoon “Mowgli” planning to go (to the north)
19. What was the name of the leader of the pack of wolves in which Mowgli lived? (Akela)
20. How did the postman Pechkin explain his harmfulness? (“That’s why I was so bad because I didn’t have a bicycle.”)
And now I want to check how our guys can dance.
Dance competition
Sharik is holding a dance competition. The children are offered world-famous dance tunes recorded on a cassette or disc without pauses (waltz, gypsy, lady, lambada, lezginka, letka-enka, rock and roll).
Competition “Bring what I know what”
From the hall, the participants bring what the presenter has wished for.
Game with applause
Most often we applaud at some concerts or even at meetings. With the help of applause, people express their attitude towards who is speaking and how. It is no secret that the attitude towards the speaker can be different, and applause can also be different.
Please imitate applause, which could be described as...
lazy and indulgent
· loud, encouraging;
· reserved, delicate;
· stormy, enthusiastic.
Game program script
"On Stranger Tides"
Host: Captain Jack Sparrow
- organization of free time;
- enable participants to express themselves in order to increase self-esteem and the assessment of others;
- development of leadership qualities among participants;
- development of creative abilities, expansion of horizons.
- 2 packs of paper clips
- burnt sheets of paper
- bottles with encryption
- jump ropes
- hoops
Presenter - Hello, guys! How are you? How are you doing? You all already know each other and, I am sure, you live very friendly. And the maritime brotherhood is the strongest. Let's show and prove that everyone in this room is friends!
Game with the hall "Everyone is friends in this hall."
Children perform actions based on the leader’s words:
Everyone in this room is friends: me, you, he, she.
Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left,
We are a family.
Etc. with the words:
Pinch the neighbor on the right...
Pet the neighbor on the right...
Kiss the neighbor on the right...
Scratch the neighbor on the right...
Say “hello” to the neighbor on the right...
Gradually the pace of the game accelerates, and new actions are invented
Host - I see that you are a real, close-knit team and you can go sailing with me, Strange Shores await us! So, what ship should we go on the trip on? What ship did the famous captain Jack Sparrow sail on? And now we will build my favorite “Black Pearl”
Competition "Black Pearl"
To the music, the squad, together with the counselor, builds a ship of people.
Presenter - Our ship is ready! We are surrounded by an endless ocean, but we, like real sailors, must know all the rules of behavior on the water. Do you guys know how to behave at the river or pool? How to swim, where you can swim and where you can’t? As a captain, I need to make sure that my crew knows all the laws of the sea.
** (may not be carried out) Presenter - We built the ship, but these damned pirates sold a chain with an anchor for a bottle of rum. How will we moor when we reach Stranger Tides? Guys, help me make a sea chain
Sea Chain Competition

Competition "Laws of the Sea"
The guys write rules of behavior on the water on burnt pieces of paper - who is bigger and more correct?
Presenter - Now we confidently set off on a sea voyage. Onward to Stranger Tides!
Game with the Ocean hall
Make noise like the sea, scream like seagulls.
Presenter - We swim and swim and see a bottle, and there is a message in it. And the law of the sea is such that the message in the bottle must be deciphered and read.
Competition "Message in a Bottle"
The participant needs to catch the bottle (throw a loop from a jump rope over it) and take it to the squad for decoding and reading.
Presenter - Well, here we are. Do you see the ground? Earth! Earth! But the ship dropped anchor, and it was still quite a distance from the shore. You'll have to swim.
Competition "Lifebuoy"
A captain in a hoop transports his team one person at a time from the “ship” to the “shore”
Game with the "Rain" hall.
Presenter: “Now we will learn our signature applause.” It is suggested that you repeat after him. “It started to rain lightly” - clap one finger on the palm. “The rain has become heavier” - clap two fingers on the palm. “The rain has become even heavier” - clap three fingers on the palm. “It started to rain heavily” - four fingers clap on the palm. “It’s starting to rain” - clap with your whole palm. After losing once, the host can offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole hall must say “yes” and the rain stops, silence sets in.
Game program script
“Laughter, and that’s all.”

- intensify the cognitive activity of children;

- Whatman paper, markers
- whistles 3 pcs Presenter - Hello everyone! Do you like to laugh? Tell jokes? Have fun? Then you are at the right place! Today we will find ourselves in the land of humor and laughter.
Game with the hall "How are you living?"

The presenter - for starters, a little warm-up.
Competition "Draw Me"
Presenter - Now team members will blindly draw their captains. We need 5 participants and 5 assistants from each team who will draw: the head, torso, arms, legs, clothes. And we will actively root for our team!
On the paper letters posted, children draw their captain blindfolded, while other participants cheer for their team.
Presenter - You draw simply wonderful! Can everyone make faces? It's easy to make funny faces, but looking at them and not laughing is not easy. Do you know the fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana? Choose the strictest Princesses of Nesmeyan from your troops. Do you know that the princess did not like to laugh, but she really loved to curtsy?
Competition "Princess Nesmeyana"
(first girls, then boys - Tsarevich Nesmeyan)
The audience makes funny faces and grimaces, trying to make the participants laugh. Participants crouch and do not laugh; whoever smiled or laughed is eliminated.
Host - Have any of you been to cockroach races? Did you participate? Let's have a cockroach race right here, the main prize of which is victory in this competition!
Competition "Cockroach Race"
5 couples participate.
Presenter - Guys, this is not the first day you have been living in the camp. Do you all know the daily routine? Do your parents come to visit you? Do you also know what products you can’t bring? What do you love most? But I love whistling on a whistle - it’s so cool! Do you love it? Then go out two participants and a counselor.
Competition "Whistle everyone up"
Teams use whistles to show pantomimes - situations from the life of the squad. And the squad is trying to guess what situation we are talking about.
Task cards
Situation – the teacher puts the children to bed Participants – teacher, children
Situation – mother (father) brought prohibited foods, the counselor does not allow them to be eaten Participants – mother (father), child, counselor
Situation: a counselor and his squad are going to a disco. Participants: counselor, children.
Situation - a child broke the glass, the teacher took him to the administrative building Participants - camp director, child, teacher
Game with the "John-Brown-Boy" hall.
John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once...
John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once...
And he left for the Caucasus...
The song is learned with the children and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).
John-Brown-Boy oiled his skis with one clap
John-Brown-Boy coated his skis with cotton, cotton
John-Brown-Boy smeared cotton, cotton, cotton
And so on…
Game program script
"Ball Show"
Host – Buffoon (or clown)
- promote the development of imagination, intelligence, ingenuity, curiosity, observation, originality of thinking;
- promote the development of dexterity and coordination of movements;
- to cultivate in children a sense of humor, a desire to win, and to be active among their peers.
Presenter - Hello everyone! Guess the riddle……..
Right! Do you love balloons, and there are so many games with balloons. Let's have a real ball show? Want to? Then let's begin!
Game with the hall "How are you living?"
The presenter asks a question, and the audience answers him by performing the appropriate movement:
How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumbs up.
How are you going? - Like this! - a movement that imitates walking.
How are you running? - Like this! - running in place.
Do you sleep at night? - Like this - palms under the cheeks.
How do you get up? - Like this - get up from your chairs, arms up, stretch.
Are you silent? - That's it - finger to mouth.
Are you screaming? – That’s it – everyone screams loudly and stomps their feet.
Host - Well, let's compete.
(first, the balloons for the competition are inflated at speed)
Competition "Hold the Ball"
You will need balloons and metal or plastic trays. A ball is placed on the tray. The task is to lift the tray above your head without dropping the ball, and also carefully lower it as many times as possible.
Presenter - The next competition for the most dexterous guys
Competition “Hurry up to choose”
A ball is given to the player, and 8-10 tennis balls are placed behind him. The player's task is to throw the ball up while it is in the air, pick up as many tennis balls as possible, and then catch the balloon.
Presenter - How many balls have we accumulated! Do you know how to play shootout? What about balloons? Let's try!
Competition "Shootout"
Teams throw balls to each other, whoever has more loses
Host - Well, my favorite competition. We need fearless guys. There are such?
Competition "Air Navels"
Participants pop balloons with their butts and collect belly buttons. Who is bigger.
Host - This kind of show can be done using ordinary balloons.
Game with the hall “...”
Theoretical stage. Quiz
1. Is it necessary to break out the windows in an apartment during a fire? (Not possible, because the influx of fresh air will increase combustion)
2. Why can’t burning gasoline be extinguished with water? (Gasoline is lighter than water, so the water will sink down and have no fire extinguishing effect)
3. Why should doors in all institutions open outwards? (So ​​that during the evacuation of people there is no crush and pandemonium)
4. Which barrel is more dangerous: an empty gasoline barrel or a filled barrel? (Empty, because there may be an explosive and fire-hazardous concentration of gasoline vapors inside)
5. Why should chimneys in attics always be whitewashed in houses with stove heating? (On a whitewashed surface, cracks and crevices are more noticeable, through which carbon monoxide, smoke, and sparks can enter the house)
6. Is it possible to turn on the lights if there is a gas leak? Explain the answer. (Not possible, because if a spark occurs, an explosion may occur)
7. How should you properly extinguish burning clothing on a person? (You need to stop it, drop it on the ground and roll it until the flame goes out; you can cover it with a thick cloth or outer clothing, leaving your head uncovered)
8. What is better to lubricate the burn site - oil or alcohol? (In no case, neither one nor the other - only cold water, snow or ice)
9. Is it possible to flood the TV with water? If possible, then under what conditions? (You can, but before doing this you need to unplug the TV from the outlet or turn off the power to the apartment through the electrical panel; water must be poured through the hole in the back wall and be sure to stand on the side or behind the TV, as the kinescope may explode)
10. How many minutes can a tightly closed door hold a fire? (About 15 minutes)
11. What do people most often suffer from in a fire: fire or smoke? (From smoke it is much more common: two or three breaths of carbon monoxide are enough to cause severe poisoning from combustion products)
12. Name the correct actions if there is heavy smoke in the apartment. (Find out where the source of the smoke is; call the fire department; make your way to the exit on all fours or crawl, covering your airways with a cloth, preferably wet; close all doors tightly along the way to block the path of the fire)
"Mute Phone"
Only use gestures to depict what is indicated on the card (or what the presenter says). The rest must guess what emergency situation we are talking about. (Or vice versa: the team shows, and one participant guesses)
*I played with matches and set the curtains on the window on fire!
*I smelled smoke. Call the firefighters!
*Help! The iron is on, but there is no water!
*There is a gas leak in the apartment! What should I do?
*Fire! There are three small children in the apartment! Help!
*The entrance is on fire. A helpless grandmother was left in the apartment!
Riddles (asked to everyone who raises their hand)
1. The firebird flies, boasting with a golden feather (fire).
2. On the street there is a pillar, in the hut there is a tablecloth (smoke).
3. Small, but evil, just a candle, but if I fall, I will bring a lot of grief (spark).
4. A little red cockerel runs down the street, where it passes, an ember remains (a fire).
5. On wheels, not a cart, with water, not a steam locomotive. Sides in belts, always on the clock (fire truck).
6. It hangs and is silent, but if you turn it, it hisses and foam flies (fire extinguisher).
7. Gray cloth stretches out the window (smoke).
8. It goes into the water red and comes out black (coal).
9. Chewing - I don’t chew, but I eat everything (fire).
10. The girls, wearing red caps (matchsticks), are dozing in the house.
11. The steamer walks back and forth, wandering. If you stop, grief will make a hole in the sea (iron).
12. Sits on the roof of everyone higher and breathes smoke (chimney).
Questions on cards
(participants are given identical cards, 5 minutes to complete)
a) Name the causes of fire in the home (smoking while intoxicated, unattended stoves and electrical appliances, children playing with matches, short circuit due to faulty wiring, voltage overload when several heating devices are plugged in at the same time, etc.). The bigger, the better…
b) What should you do first if the electrical wiring catches fire? (First of all, turn off the power!)
c) You are on the 3rd floor of a burning building. The exit to the staircase is cut off by fire. You risk suffocating in the smoke. Your actions? (I take sheets or tear off curtains, tie them tightly together, tie them to a pipe or radiator and try to climb down them)
d) In what ways can you call the fire department? (by phone 01, attract the attention of neighbors or passers-by by shouting from a window or from a balcony, send a messenger, through the intercom in the elevator, by calling 112 from a mobile phone...) The more, the better.
e) What should you do if grease in a frying pan catches fire while cooking? (Cover the frying pan with a wet towel or thick cloth to stop air from entering; under no circumstances fill it with cold water, as the fat will bounce off and can seriously burn; for the same reason, you should not pour burning fat into the sink)
f) What will you do if last year’s grass is burning at the edge of the forest? (Cover the fire with earth, overwhelm it with branches)
Game with spectators:
Children listen to the questions and, if they agree, they all answer in unison:
“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
- Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?
- Which of you, noticing smoke, calls “01”?
- Who will keep an eye on dad - will he prohibit smoking in bed?
- Who, tell me honestly, brothers, likes to play with matches?
- Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call “04”?
- Who can quietly hide matches from their little sister?
-Which one of you is playing with fire? Be honest about it!
- Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?
- Which of you, sensing smoke, will shout: “Fire! We're on fire!"
- Which of you has the gift of putting out a forest fire?
- Who, admit it to us again, likes to explode bombs?
- Who doesn’t chicken out and realizes it, who will call for help?
The sleeves of two jackets are turned out and hung on the backs of chairs. Chairs are placed with their backs facing each other at a distance of one meter. A rope two meters long is placed between the chairs. Both competitors start each at their own chair. At the leader’s signal, they must take the jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string. The first one to do this wins.
You probably love to run and jump. Let's do some exercises with me.
ARE YOU Familiar with the exercise?
AIBOLIT: Well done, guys
Program content: in a playful way, consolidate children's ideas about the rules of the road, expand their understanding of the rules of behavior on the street, promote the development of careful attention, prudence, concentration, and carry out the physical development of children.
Children enter the hall to cheerful music (1st team - red traffic light, 2nd - yellow traffic light and 3rd - green traffic light)
On the roads for a long time
There is an owner - Traffic Light!
All the colors are before you,
It's time for you to introduce them
Greetings from the teams (the first line is said by the captain, the second by the whole team in unison).
1 team:
Has the light turned red?
Stop! There is no way forward!
Team 2:
The yellow eye repeats without words:
Be ready for the transition!
Team 3:
On the green light - go!
The path is clear. Transition.
Cross the road
You are always on the street
And they will advise and help
These bright colors.
1st competition "Road Signs".
Children run up one by one to a table on which various road signs are laid out. They need to choose the sign they need for the pedestrian and return to the team. When the last player comes running, all children raise their signs up. The old woman Shapoklyak, together with the leader, analyzes the correctness of the task, and selectively asks about the meaning of this or that sign.
Presenter: You see, Shapoklyak, how children know road signs!
Shapoklyak: And I know! For example, these sticks are drawn on the road to play chess. You rearrange the figures from one line to another.
Host: That's wrong! Now the children will tell us what these drawn sticks on the road are for (children’s answers)
Answer us all, Shapoklyak, who is the most important person on the road, and his signal is the law for everyone?
Shapoklyak: Of course I know! This is Lariska the rat!
Host: You don’t know anything, but the children know. (Children's answers). Yes, it's a traffic light. Now we will see which team will be the first to assemble the traffic light.
2nd competition: “Build a traffic light.”
On command, the first child runs to the broken traffic light. He takes a brick and places it in front of the team, and runs back. The second one attaches a gymnastics stick to it, which already has holders for rings. The third hangs a red ring, the fourth a yellow ring, the fifth a green ring. The winner is the team that finishes the competition first and hangs the rings in the correct color.
Presenter: When going out, prepare in advance Politeness and restraint And most importantly, attention!
Then Shapoklyak turns to the old woman: “Are you paying attention on the road?”
Shapoklyak: Very attentive! I go wherever I want. If I want, I go there, if I want, I go here!
Shapoklyak improvises to the music (noise of brakes): falls. The presenter helps her get up.
Host: This is what can happen if you are not careful on the street. Now the children will show you how attentive they are on the streets.
Attention game “Traffic signals”
The presenter shows the traffic lights randomly; when the light is green, the children stomp their feet; when the light is yellow, they clap their hands; when the light is red, they do nothing. The presenter praises the children.
We will remember from childhood:
Red light - no movement,
Yellow - stop, look around,
And green is your best friend.
Host: If you are in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where there is a sign. .. transition.
Shapoklyak: Well, I’ll look for these signs, and I don’t advise children!
I advise all children
Do everything exactly like this
How does an old woman
Nicknamed Shapoklyak.
Host: Well, we’ve already seen how you teach children; you almost got hit by a car. Now let's see how to cross the street correctly. This is the safest crossing. .. (underground)
3rd relay race “Underground passage”
A tunnel and a stand are laid out in front of each team. Children take turns climbing through the tunnel, running around the counter and returning to their team. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
The third competition of the “Road Signs” competition.
The task is to put together a road sign from pieces and name it
Teams are given tasks. Children begin to complete tasks when given a signal.
Presenter: I think that you, Shapoklyak, understood everything, and our jury will sum up how you coped with the team’s task.
(A member of the jury announces the results of the third competition)
Shapoklyak: Tell me, smart guys, where can I cross the street?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Only in specially designated places where there is this sign (Points to the “Pedestrian crossing” sign)
Presenter: We ask our teams to build a pedestrian crossing and a traffic light in this room.
Fourth competition "Pedestrian crossing".
Teams must lay out the markings from cubes, make a traffic light and move like a train, running around the structure.
Relay "Pedestrian crossing"
1 participant. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.
2nd participant. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.
3rd participant. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.
4th participant. Carrying a cube for the traffic light RED.
5participant. Carrying a cube for a YELLOW traffic light.
6th participant. Carrying a GREEN traffic light cube.
Then a train runs around this structure.
(A member of the jury announces the results of the fourth competition)
Sixth competition "First Aid"
Medical care relay.
A child (team member) sits on a chair at the end of the hall opposite the team (1 participant)
Participant 2 – runs to 1, brings a bandage.
3rd participant - runs up to 1st, bring a jacket (to cover).
Participant 4 – bandages his leg.
Participants 5 and 6 help the child jump on one leg.
Participants are given a box of paper clips. When given a signal, they begin to make a chain using these paper clips. The game is timed - about 1-2 minutes. Whoever makes the longest chain during this time wins.
Participants in the competition are invited to create other words from existing words or inverted words by rearranging the letters.
Reproach is a lesson.
Clown - bias.
Holster - cleaning.
Impact - ore.
Terka is an actor.
Bank - boar.
The word is hair.
Weight - sowing
The waterfall is a waterfall.
Net - an hour.
The machine is a shirtfront.
Maguba - paper.
Chsnibook - textbook.
Arvols - dictionary.
Tread - notebook.
Vnedkin - diary.
Tarek is a boat.
Vakerev - rope.
Kubal is a bun.
What is the name of the model of the globe? (Globe)
What is the name of the side of the horizon where the Sun is at noon? (South)
What is the name of the continent located in the central part of Antarctica? (Antarctica)
What is the name of a huge piece of land washed on all sides by ocean waters? (Continent)
Name the largest ocean. (Quiet)
What part of the world is washed by four oceans? (Asia)
Name the largest peninsula on the globe. (Arabian)
What is the name of a specialist who studies caves? (Speleologist)
This game allows you to introduce children, or vice versa, to better remember or assimilate various emotions and their expression.
Vacuum cleaner
To play, you need several identical groups of objects (constructor parts will do) and baskets according to the number of players. Number of item groups by number of players. Various objects are scattered on the floor in a path, and a few minutes are given to remember where everything is. Then, blindfolded and on all fours, you need to collect as many items as possible into your basket with your eyes closed.
Game with a hat - FOR DATING
Children sit in a circle. The presenter turns on the music and the children begin to pass the ladies' hat to each other. As soon as the presenter stops the music, the one of the children who happens to have a hat at that moment puts it on himself and walks around the circle, portraying a noble lady.
Playing rhymes is fun in a group of children. It is conducted with a presenter. In turn, each participant is offered a word for which he must come up with a rhyme (a word in the singular nominative case). For example, a scythe is dew, dad is a paw, etc. Anyone who fails to complete the task 3 times is eliminated from the game. And the most resourceful one wins.
The winner is the player who remains last.
Scenario 1. The rain was annoyingly knocking on the window. In the distance, cars rushed along the highway. Marie looked out the window and stroked the cat lying on her lap. The cat purred with pleasure. The parrot, bored in the cage, shouted from time to time “Kesha is good!”
Scenario 2. Fyodor Stepanovich went out into the yard to walk his dog Marquis. In the yard, a neighbor tried to start his car. Suddenly the Marquis noticed the cat, barked loudly and rushed towards it. Out of surprise, the cat jumped, hissed and climbed onto a nearby tree. The Marquis, raising his muzzle upward, continued to bark furiously. The cat, having calmed down a little, looked at the dog with indifference.
Scenario 3. At the edge of the forest, a hunter noticed a hare. He took aim, pulled the trigger and fired. A flock of sparrows flew from the trees, chirping loudly. Somewhere very close, an indignant cow mooed. The hunter came closer to the place where he had just seen the hare. There was no one there. The hunter looked around, spat and moved on.
Scenario 4. It was getting dark. The wind howled outside. The unlocked gate creaked and slammed. A fire crackled in the fireplace. The kettle whistled invitingly in the kitchen. The clock struck nine when grandfather entered the room.

Explanatory note to the competitive game program “Let's get to know each other!”
Goals and objectives of the event:
creating a festive atmosphere, goodwill, and a favorable mood for visiting the CDT;
development of children's creative abilities, communication relationships, musical and rhythmic skills;
education of moral qualities;
broadening the horizons of children.
Necessary materials and equipment for the event:
colorful visual design;
attributes for games;
Attributes for the fairy tale “Turnip”.

The main goal of the program was- creating a festive atmosphere, goodwill, developing children’s creative abilities and communicative relationships.

The children were placed in the assembly hall of the Central Children's Theater, and the mischievous Klepa appeared on the stage, who was glad to meet the children; they had not seen each other all summer.
The acquaintance began with the “Fixies” dance, in which everyone took part. After which the guys played several games, and then 7 people were chosen to stage the fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way, and while the guys were getting ready, the rest took part in the dance-game “Turnip”. After which the previously selected children performed, who gave a measure of positivity and charged their peers and themselves with a good mood.
Klepa again invited everyone to stand and play a few games for unity. And in conclusion there was an incendiary general dance “Chucha Chacha”. The atmosphere in the hall was a warm atmosphere of friendliness and joy. Children from 7 to 13 years old took part.
The competitive and game program is good for introducing teachers to newly arrived children, as well as for getting to know the children themselves.
Competitive game program “Let's get to know each other!”

Location: MKUDO "CDT"
Characters: presenter Klepa.
The music “01 For Klepa” is playing in the background.
In the hall, the children are seated in a semicircle, Klepa runs in and says:
Klepa: Wow, there are so many of you, I miss you so much, I’ve been waiting all summer for this day when new friends will come to my Children’s Art Center!!!
Well, well, well, it seems I forgot something, of course, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Klepa, what's your name? (children's answer). I'm sorry, what? and all together! Great. I wonder what circles are present here, Fantasy here? (children's answer) I don't hear. Is there a City of Masters? (children's answer) Great, what about break dancing? (children's answer) what about legos? (children's answer) Great. Now I see that everything is assembled.
To entertain you, friends,
Distract from household chores
I'll try now
I will captivate you with the game.
But first, we’ll warm up a little. We all stand so that I can be seen!

Let's dance the dance "Fixies" to the music "02 Dance of the Fixies"
Klepa: And now we all stand together in a circle, the game is called “Winking.” I will be the driver, who stands in the center of the circle, and you must change places with each other so that I do not have time to take your place and see how you wink at each other. If I stand in an empty seat, then the one who ends up in the circle is the driver. And let's go.
The music “03 for the game of winking” is turned on
Klepa: Now let's test your dexterity. The game is called Racing. The rules are as follows: the ball must be passed in a circle to each other, and no more should be held in the hands.
3 seconds, the driver in the center tries to take it for himself. The ball can be passed in any way. If the ball falls, anyone can take it, including the driver; if he managed to catch the ball, then the one who dropped the ball stands in his place.
The music “04 for the racing game” is turned on
Klepa: How friendly you are, I'm so glad to meet you.
The concert will take place here
Let's be happy in a moment
They will perform before you now
Those who are among you.
And I will choose 7 guys, the guys go on stage, and while they are getting ready, you and I will dance. We stand so that everyone can see me.
(Klepa selects 7 children and sends them to the stage behind the scenes, where Klepa’s assistant will tell them everything)
Klepa: While the guys are getting ready, we will play another game “Electric Locomotive”. We stand up so everyone can see me and repeat after me.
Let's dance to the song "Tektonik"
Great, and now friends, let’s take our seats, because a group of artists has come to us with their ultra-modern, incendiary number “Turnip”. And we invite them to the stage to thunderous applause!
(music for the fairy tale turnip is performed by the children selected earlier, against the background the story of the fairy tale turnip, the story is led by Petrushka’s assistant)
Voice-over: Grandfather planted a turnip and said:
- Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!
The turnip grew sweet, big, well, so-so.
(a small child is selected, depicting a so-so turnip)
Voice-over: Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.
(A boy comes out in a hat with earflaps and a small spatula)
Voice-over: Grandfather called grandma.
(Calls on a cell phone: Grandma, and grandma help me, and grandma rides out on a scooter)
Voice-over: Grandma for grandfather,
Grandfather for the turnip -
The grandmother called her granddaughter.
(granddaughter comes out with a big wig on her head)
Voice-over: Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
The granddaughter called Zhuchka.
(someone comes out wearing a dog mask)
Voice-over: Bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
Bug called the cat.
(Comes out gracefully wearing a cat mask)
Voice-over: Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
The cat called the mouse.
(A big boy in a mouse mask comes out, pushes everyone away and pulls out a turnip)
Klepa: Bravo, bravo! Fabulous.
Come down to us guys and we all stand in a line and turn our backs to each other. The game is called Broken Fax.
The first and last player are given a pen and paper. The last player draws what I say on the sheet, and then draws exactly the same with his finger on the back of the neighbor in front.
Each subsequent player draws on the back of the person in front what he felt on his back.
The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back.
After all, they compare the resulting pictures and have fun.
The last player moves to the beginning of the column and the game starts again.
(Music 04 racing game)
Klepa: And again we unite in a circle and check if you can jump.
Klepa spins the rope and the players jump. One of the participants is called, he is blindfolded and asked to jump, without a jump rope, and the player diligently jumps without suspecting anything.
(music 03)
Klepa: Well done, now let's play the game "Zoo"
In the center of the circle is the leader. All players hold each other by the elbows. The presenter begins the game with the following words. “Now we will play a game called “Zoo”. I will now whisper in the ear of each of you the name of an animal, which you should not tell anyone. Then, when everyone gets the name of the animals, I will name them in my story ". If suddenly the name of an animal comes up that someone received, then this player must immediately sit down and pull behind him two neighboring players, whom he is now holding by the elbows. The task of these neighboring players is to hold him in time. Is that clear?" Then the leader comes up to everyone and whispers the same thing in his ear, for example, “hippopotamus.”
But each player thinks that only he has the name of this animal. “Yesterday I went to the zoo. I pass by one cage, and there sits... an elephant. - At the same time, everyone is tense, but no one sat down - I go further, in another enclosure... a fox. I looked at her and I see straight A huge HIPPOPOTAMUS sits opposite her! - at this time, each player, having heard the word that was spoken in the ear “only to him”, abruptly crouches down. (MUSIC OR 04, 03 ANY)
Klepa: Great, now let's all dance a little together
Let's dance to the song "Music chucha chacha in order from 08 to 13"
Klepa: How great everything turned out for us! We got to know each other better and became more friendly! Well guys, did you like it? I will be glad to see you again!!! Bye! See you soon, wait for your letter!
(Klepa leaves. Before each event, the children receive a letter of invitation)

Department of Education

administration of the city of Lipetsk



(dating games)

Prepared by:

teacher Muravleva I.V.

Lipetsk, 2017

Type of event: dating games

Topic: "Let's get to know each other!"

Goals: acquaintance, creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team, identifying creative abilities.

Participants: children 11 - 15 years old

Equipment: ball, sheets of paper


Prepare a ball, sheets of paper

    Org moment. Subject message.

    Dating games.

Progress of the event:

I. Org moment. Subject message.

Hello guys! I welcome you to our summer health camp “Friendship”! It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster you get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to communicate with each other. And games will help us get to know you.

II. Dating games.

    "Name your name:

Everyone stands in a circle, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. The player who starts the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and says his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball has passed everyone and everyone has dropped their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each participant throws the ball to the person he threw to the first time and says his name again.

The third round of this game is slightly modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.

After playing this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to play), it is quite possible to remember up to 20 names.


This game is best played at the “getting to know each other”, when the guys are sitting in a large close circle. The counselor should start the game by saying his name. The one sitting to his left should say the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise will have to name the previous two names, yours and so on in a circle. The counselor must finish again, calling the entire squad by name. The task is difficult, but real and doable. Try it - success is guaranteed.


Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let’s start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three says his name instead of the number.”

This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is indeed the case.

    Game "Let's get to know each other"

Let's get to know each other. I suggest playing the game “Getting Acquainted”. I name names, and all the guys with these names perform a certain task.

... - show yourself;

... - smile;

... - bend over;

... - respond;

... - stretch;

... - comb your hair;

... - clap;

... - stomp;

... - jump;

... - wave your hand

    Game “Meet the Camp Leader”

Now let’s get acquainted with the camp leadership, teachers and counselor.

Who's going to exercise in the morning?

Will he take us, kids?!

Without him we are like without hands,

Well, of course, ours... (physical teacher)

What is the name of our physical teacher?

If you are very sick

Ears, nose and head,

Disturb our service

You can do it in the morning!

And don’t grumble with a sore throat,

They will save you anyway... (doctors)

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes? (cook)

All the guys are like children to them,

Olya, if, Sveta, Petya.

They will always help dreamers.

They are not counselors, but... (educators)

He is indispensable on the farm.

Paper, pen, plasticine.

And only he solves all the different questions.

He is the most important one in the camp, who is he? (camp leader)

    Game with the winners of the competition.

And now for the guys who guessed our riddles, a little competition: here’s a piece of paper, tear it into small pieces. (music plays - 1 minute)

Now add the name of our squad from these pieces. (put together the word “Rainbow”)

III. Bottom line

What did you like most?

Target: meet the children.
Tasks: creating a positive atmosphere in the group;
introducing children to a new teacher;
development of initiative and independence in play and communication;
developing skills to interact with peers and adults;
developing the ability to obey rules and social norms;
development of creative abilities.
Form: games

Junior, middle group

“Come on, let’s get acquainted”

How to play: Children stand in a circle. The presenter begins the game with the words: “Hurry up. What’s your name, tell me,” while throwing the ball to one of the players. He catches the ball, says his name, then he throws the ball to another player, while the words are spoken again: “What is your name, tell me,” etc.

"My name".
Progress of the game: - Guys, let's move a little. I will call names, and if you hear your name, you should jump like bunnies and pull both hands up (Children jump and stretch their hands up, then sit down in their place).
- So I found out that in our group there are many children with the same names. But perhaps you are different from each other? (Children's answers). Let's check it out.

"Tender name" (for children from 4 years old)

Progress of the game: Children, passing the ball to each other, call the affectionate form of their name.

(for children from 5 years old)

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, an adult approaches one of them, rings the bell and says: “Hello, Vanya, my friend!”, shaking the child’s hand.

Senior, preparatory group

"Dating phone"

How to play: Players stand in a circle. The presenter has a phone in his hands. The first child standing in the circle is also given a telephone receiver. The presenter calls each child and conducts a dialogue. Hello. What is your name? What kind of person are you? What do you love most?

“Roll call - confused” (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: Development of voluntary attention, consolidation of acquaintances

Progress of the game: The presenter calls the surnames and first names of the children present, confusing first name and surname (the name is called correctly, the surname is not; the surname is correct, the name is wrong). Children listen carefully and respond only when both their first and last names are correctly named. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

"Tender name" (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: formation of positive self-esteem and self-acceptance, acquaintance.

Progress of the game: Children, passing the ball to each other, call the affectionate form of the name of the previous participant in the game.

"Greeting with a bell" (for children from 5 years old)

Purpose: greeting, setting children up in a friendly manner.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, an adult approaches one of them, rings the bell and says: “Hello, Vanya, my friend!” Afterwards, Vanya takes the bell and goes to greet another child. A bell should greet every child.

Funny Games

"Let's say hello"

Goal: development of imagination, creation of a favorable atmosphere.

Progress of the game:The presenter talks about different ways of greeting, pleasant and humorous. Then it is suggested to say hello by touching your shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek.

"Pass a smile around"

Goal: exchange of positive feelings.

Progress of the game:Participants in the game are invited to stand in a circle, shake their neighbor’s hand and convey a smile.

"Compliments" (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: increasing self-esteem, creating a positive self-image, developing communication skills

How to play: Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, the exercise is carried out in a circle.

Warning: Some children cannot give a compliment; they need help. Instead of praising, you can simply say “delicious”, “sweet”, “floral”, “milk” word. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, do not wait for his neighbor to be sad, give the compliment yourself.


Goal: allows children to quickly remember names, each other, and establish contact.

Progress of the game: The first participant (for example, to the left of the leader) says his name. The next one repeats it, and then names his own. And so on in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant names the entire group

"Roll" (for children from 5 years old)

Goal: activating the group, creating group cohesion.

How to play: Children stand in a line, holding hands. The child standing first begins to turn around his axis, dragging those standing behind him. Thus, the children form a kind of “roll”. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that during the exercise it is important not to release their hands. The task can be complicated by asking the children to “unwind the roll”, or spin the roll while saying their name.

"Body Touch" (for children from 5 years old)

How to play: Explain to the participants that you will touch someone. Then they must, using only the part of the body that you touched, touch someone else. Continue the game until all participants are involved. This exercise forces you to interact closely with each other.

"Face to face" (for children from 5 years old)

Progress of the game: Everyone finds a mate. The presenter calls actions, for example, “hand to nose,” “back to back,” “head to knee,” etc. Participants must follow the instructions in their pairs. When the leader says “person to person,” everyone must find another pair. The exercise can be used in the middle and at the end of the lesson.

Option: Children pair up only after the leader’s command. For example, after the command “Shoulder to Shoulder,” children must find a partner and touch their body parts

"Palm to palm"

Goal: activation and unity of the group, development of tactile attention

Progress of the game: Children press their palms against each other and thus move around the group, where you can set up various obstacles that the pair must overcome. This could be a chair or a table. At some point, children must be able to agree on what to do next. An adult-child pair can participate in the game.

“Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace.”

Goal: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one’s feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs, with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. An adult gives tasks (each task takes 2-3 minutes):

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, communicate with just your hands. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down.

Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are fighting. Put your hands down.

Your hands search for each other again. They want to make peace. Your hands make peace, they ask for forgiveness, you are friends again.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"My mood"

Goal: developing the ability to describe one’s mood, recognize the mood of others, and stimulate empathy.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to tell others about their mood: they can draw it, compare it with some color, animal, physical state, show it in motion. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the child.

"Humpty Dumpty"

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Fell in his sleep.

The child turns his body left and right, his arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. When you hear the words “fell in your sleep,” sharply tilt your body down.

"King Borovik is not in a good mood"

The presenter reads the poem, and the child acts according to the text.

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he clicked with his heel.

King Borovik was not in a good mood;

The king was bitten by flies.

"Mouth shut"

Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth tightly, squeezing your lips very, very tightly. Then relax them:

I have my own secret, I won’t tell it to you, no!(Children say words and purse their lips).

Oh, how hard it is to resist saying nothing.(The teacher says the words)

Still, relax your lips and leave the secret to yourself.

Games for kids

« Come to me"

Progress of the game:The adult takes a few steps away from the child and beckons him to come to him, affectionately saying: “Come to me, my dear!” When the child approaches, the teacher hugs him: “Oh, what a good Kolya came to me!”

"Treasure Hunt"

Progress of the game:The teacher shows the children a treasure chest (pebbles, buttons, beads) and asks them to find some toy in them.

« Sunny bunnies"

Progress of the game:The teacher lets in sunbeams with a mirror and says:

Sunny bunnies. They play on the wall.

Lure them with your finger. Let them run to you!

At the signal “Catch the bunny!” the children are trying to catch him. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

« Parsley has arrived"

Progress of the game:The teacher brings Parsley and examines it with the children. Parsley rattles the rattle, then distributes the rattles to the children. Together with Petrushka, they shake the rattles and rejoice.

« Hiding the bear"

Progress of the game:The teacher hides a large toy familiar to the child (for example, a bear) so that it is slightly visible. Saying: “Where is the bear?”, he looks for it together with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find.

« Give the dog a paw"

Progress of the game:The teacher holds the dog in his hands and says:

Bow-wow! Who's there?

This is a dog visiting us.

I put the dog on the floor.

Give Petya a paw, little dog!

Then he approaches the child, whose name is named, with the dog and offers to take it by the paw and feed it. They bring a bowl of imaginary food, the dog “eats the soup,” “barks,” and says “thank you!” to the child.

"Have pity on the bunny"

Goal: creating a positive emotional background and activating children, developing attention.

Progress of the game:Reading a poem to children: “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”

The appearance of the game character Bunny, who cries and tells how bad he feels because his owner abandoned him. Discuss with children how you can help Bunny, how to feel sorry for him. Then the children take turns feeling sorry for the Bunny.