Board games for multiplication and division. Board game gang of smart guys Tsvetarium. Game Developer's Message

In such a routine process as learning the multiplication tables for children, it is simply impossible to do without a game element. It’s difficult to imagine how a child will memorize dry numbers, simply because that’s how he was taught it at school. Without game techniques, you can simply come across a child’s reluctance to engage, which will be impossible to fight. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to study the multiplication table can come to the aid of parents - playing “cards”.

To play, you will need to print and cut special cards (all of these cards can be downloaded from our website for free). Each card contains one example from the multiplication table without an answer, for example, 7x8:

After printing all the cards, select from them those that you need at the moment. As mentioned above, it is better to study the multiplication table in stages. So, when the necessary cards have been selected, put them in a pile and shuffle them. Now let your child pull out the cards one by one from the top of the pile. If he says the correct answer, the card is discarded; if he is wrong, the card is returned to the bottom of the pile so that it can be pulled out again. For every mistake, the child must be told the correct answer so that he has the opportunity to remember it and try not to make any more mistakes, because after some time he will have to pull out the same card again.

This Multiplication Table Memory Cards game has several features. Firstly, the child’s visual memory is actively working, and you learn all the necessary examples of the multiplication table, without losing sight of a single difficult product. Secondly, such a serious method of memorizing information as repetition works well here precisely for those examples of the Pythagorean table that are more difficult for your child than others. Third, with this approach, the child develops excitement and a desire to quickly cope with the stack of cards. He sees the results of his work in the number of discarded cards and in the decreasing pile of unsolved examples, and thereby receives satisfaction from the work done.

Today there are many other games for learning multiplication tables, such as online programs And interactive whiteboards, Despite this, “cards for memorizing the multiplication tables” remain the easiest and most effective way to study the Pythagorean table. The main criterion for any game remains the rule of effective memorization of any information: interesting things are remembered better. If you can spark a child's interest in multiplication, you've already done half the job!

You can also print flashcards to remember the multiplication tables without using electronic devices,

The cards cover the entire multiplication table from 1 to 10.

This exciting game will help primary school children learn the multiplication tables faster, turning boring cramming into a fun competition. The game can be played by 2 to 8 players aged 7 years and older. The duration of one game is 10-20 minutes.

Each card, as in a regular domino, is divided into two parts. On the right in the center is a number that is multiplied by three others depicted along the edges. That is, each hero on the card has a bag of capital, which he wants to put into circulation and increase in accordance with one of three options. On the left, on the dominoes, three answers are written - this is already increased capital. On his turn, the player must either match one of the three answers on the left with a correct example, or match one of the examples on the right with a correct answer. This is not quite an ordinary domino - there are not 28, but 36 dominoes, and the connections are made not only in a line, but also in all four directions, which makes the game even more interesting. Depending on the preparedness of the players, you can play both closed and open, so that if necessary, an adult can help with advice.

The game is very compact, and it is convenient to take it with you on a trip to make good use of your free time.

Let your baby learn with pleasure!

© Manufacturer: Tenth Kingdom LLC. 2004

Board games and teaching aids produced by Tenth Kingdom LLC are aimed at the comprehensive development and effective education of children of preschool and primary school age, as well as the establishment of warm, trusting relationships between children and the adults raising them. They are affordable, well designed, made from safe modern materials, very loved by children and have been in demand by teachers and parents for many years. These are not throwaway games that will disappear as suddenly as they appeared, but games that came in earnest to stay for a long time, and they have already proven this - children, having grown up and become parents, buy them for their children, and mothers and fathers, becoming grandparents - for their grandchildren. The games of the Tenth Kingdom are a connecting thread between generations of a friendly happy family in which love and mutual understanding reign!

Explanatory note.

Kuznetsova Anna Nikolaevna, primary school teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

Name: Let's play lotto.

Items: mathematics, Russian language, the world around us.

Age group: 8–10 years.

Goals of the game: consolidate table cases of multiplication and division; practice computational skills.



    create conditions for mastering the relationship between the components and the result of the multiplication action;

    consolidate the specific meaning of the action of multiplication and knowledge of the commutative property of multiplication;

    create conditions for improving computing skills to the point of automation;



Equipment used: computer, presentation, handouts - individual cards “Loto with tabular cases of multiplication and division”, individual cards with numbers.

Contents of the game.

Learning the multiplication tables is a central objective of teaching mathematics in 2nd and 3rd grade. Knowledge of the multiplication table should be brought to automaticity, since only in this case will students be able to successfully cope with oral calculations when multiplying and dividing a two-digit number by a single-digit number, and when dividing a two-digit number by a two-digit number. The multiplication table, as a rule, is learned out loud, and when solving examples, the numbers are perceived visually.

For this purpose, I offer the children the game “Loto” in mathematics lessons. During the game there is a spirit of competition, feedback is provided: teacher - student - teacher, self-control skills are developed: did I show the result correctly?

This game has two options. I show the expression:24: 4 . Answer 6 children cover with a card with a number1 , since this expression was shown by me first. One or 2 students work at the board with tables. The student inserts a mushroom (flower, ladybug) with a number1 in a pocket on the table, and each of the guys has similar tables on their desks and individual cards with numbers. Next I show the following expression:28: 7 , card with number2 close the answer4 .

As in a real adult game, there is a pass, i.e. I show the expression (48: 8 ), and the value of the expression6 already closed. This means they are waiting for the next card to be shown. When all the answers are closed, we check the correctness of the task in the tables at the board and on the desks. Children can determine by the answer numbers which meaning of the expression was closed incorrectly.

The second version of the Lotto game is more complicated. Children have tables with written expressions. I showmeaning expressions ( 3 or 8 ), and they cover with a card an expression with the same meaning:18: 6 or 24: 3 .

When playing this version of the game, the children should quickly navigate in finding an expression with a given value.

In the process of working at each lesson, with the help of various didactic games, I strive to intensify cognitive activity, develop working capacity, and relieve fatigue by changing types of activities.

To achieve the goal of teaching and developing primary schoolchildren and maintaining interest in oral arithmetic, I use bright visual aids, which contribute to emotional support throughout the game.

After playing games on the multiplication table, I will definitely sum up the results. It is advisable to check the correctness of the answers using a presentation.

This game can be used in individual work, group work, and in frontal questioning.

When playing the 1st version of “Loto”, this game can already be used to consolidate the multiplication table by 2, by 3, etc.

Name: We play lotto in Russian lessons.

Goals of the game: consolidate the skill of spelling unstressed vowels, tested by stress.



    create conditions for consolidating the skill of spelling unstressed vowels, tested by stress;

    create conditions for improving the ability to apply in practice the rule of spelling unstressed vowels.


Arouse interest in the subject through didactic games and the ability to think;

Create conditions for the development and correction of mental operations, attention, visual memory;

Contribute to the activation of cognitive activity of students;

Develop efficiency and self-control skills.


    create conditions for nurturing attention, hard work and independence in work;

    create conditions for nurturing interest in language.

Contents of the game.

In Russian language lessons, in order to improve and consolidate the ability to practically apply the rule of spelling unstressed vowels, checked by stress, I play the game “Loto” with the same rules as in a mathematics lesson.

In the future, in grades 3–4, I play this game after completing the topic: “Spelling unstressed endings of nouns”

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge of case endings of nouns.

When playing the game, it is important to have several sets of words that can be alternated.

Name: We play lotto in our environment lessons.

The game “Loto” can also be played in lessons about the surrounding world; as a version of this game I offer “Who eats what”. The rules of the game are the same.

1.Director of the educational center "Znayka", Troitsk
Today I played counting to 10 with preschoolers. The girl who was the worst at mental counting showed herself to be a Great Arithmetician. MIRACLES!

2. Third grade girl's relative(Penza). We played at the Master level.
Played with my niece. It was very useful for her, and interesting for me. During the evening we played 8 games without stopping.

3. Mom of a sixth grader. We played at the Master level. (Sevastopol)
I really like the game. He can't wait for his grandmother to arrive to play lotto with him. They play for points and are very worried when they lose, and vice versa. For 6th graders I think the game is very useful. And it is interesting for everyone - both adults and children.

4. Grandfather of a first-grader, Moscow. We played at the Beginner and Master levels.
I don’t know about others, but you can’t drag us away from the game by the ears.
*** After 4 games at the Beginner level, the boy showed the following knowledge: out of 100 examples of the table, he remembered 66, 34 were able to calculate in various ways (for example, 35 is 5*5+2*5 or 45=5*10-5, etc.) d.)
The child completed first grade for only six months.

5. Mother of a third grader (Moscow). My son has a “4” in math. I always thought that he knew the multiplication tables and generally knew how to do everything. I'm glad I bought the lotto. It was a big mistake to think like that. Now my son counts 10 times better, and not only according to the table. We played Master.

6. Dad of a second-grader, Moscow. Played at Beginner level. I recommend learning TU with Yongo Lotto! Amazing memorization speed! My delight knows no bounds with the results! TU learns before our eyes!

7. Teacher, 46 years of experience, 4th grade, (Yakutia, Chersky) We organized a tournament in the classroom, three people play every day. I myself happily sit until 20.00: I admire the children, they play tirelessly in lotto. The results will be clear.

8. Grandmother of a second grader, Moscow. Yesterday I bought a lotto for one grandson (set: Beginner + Master). We lost passionately the whole evening. There will definitely be results. Today I’m buying a game for my second grandson.

9. Primary school teacher, Moscow. For a second-grader boy (his academic performance was very low, until he was transferred to a special school), his parents bought a Yongo! Newbie. After 2 months of playing, the boy in mathematics will no longer receive the first “A” on tests! Fact!

10. Mother of a third-grader, Moscow. As soon as we learned the multiplication tables - both from computer games, and from cards, and in the subway, and on the way to school. But we were never able to learn it completely; we know it, but we use it with difficulty and with little confidence. As a last chance we bought yongo! The results appeared during the second game: the counting speed increased, interest showed, and they learned how to factorize. Great game!

11. Parents of a third grader, Moscow We've already learned the multiplication tables, thanks to yongo! Master - excellent knowledge, "5" in mathematics. We play mixed score. It’s hard, but we play and we like it.

12. Mother of a second and fifth grader, Moscow I have two sons: one is a second grader, the second is a fifth grader. Both now know the multiplication tables in the same way and play on equal terms. Before playing lotto, the elder knew the multiplication table, but now he simply uses it freely. Yes, and I improved my knowledge.

13. Mother of a second grader, Moscow Lotto yongo! became our family's board game. We all play: me, my son, my grandparents - it’s interesting for everyone. We keep score every day. Well, I think our results are excellent: at the end of the year, everyone is fluent in the multiplication tables. We've been playing MASTER for 2 months.

14. Mother of a second grader, Cheboksary My son asks me to play Junior with him every day. We usually play 3-4 games. Usually the game is over when it starts losing. He counts within 20 perfectly: he adds several terms at a time and subtracts, no worse than me. We will learn the multiplication tables according to the Master. The games are great.

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Game Developer's Message

Dear Users of our games!
Thank you very much for your feedback. For us, your highest gratitude is that you play, you like it and you have results.

Always yours
Rumyantseva Svetlana Vladimirovna

Lotto Yongo!

Lotto Yongo! - a consistent game system for teaching mental arithmetic in elementary school: starting from counting within 10 to the multiplication table and a little further.
Lotto Yongo! - the most effective simulators for primary school students.

Why with Yongo Lotto! Is it easy to teach a child to count?
First of all, Yongo! - a consistent system of teaching mental arithmetic. The pattern of assimilation brings with it an easier perception of new material. For example, having mastered counting skills within 10 to the point of automaticity, it is easier for a child to master counting within 20, and then within 100, and finally, the multiplication table and mixed counting become very easy.
Secondly, Yongo! - game training system. Children don't like to study - children love to play. That's why we don't teach counting - we play counting.
Thirdly, Yongo! - effective training system. When playing Yongo! Lotto, children perform many more arithmetic operations in their heads than they do in class and at home. For example, when playing lotto at the Master level (multiplication table), a child enjoys performing about 200 arithmetic operations. Is this comparable to working in class or at home?
Therefore, from our practice:
Out of 25 experiments carried out with children of various difficulty levels, 100% of children have excellent mental counting skills!
Yongo! - these are 6 games - six stages of training:
1. Yongo! Kid - count within 10;
2. Yongo! Junior! - count within 20;
3. Yongo! Strong - the score is within 100;
4. Yongo! Beginner - memorizing and understanding multiplication tables;
5. Yongo! Master - fixing the multiplication table;
6. Yongo! Sage - mixed score within 100.
Yongo Board Games! Recommended for family leisure activities and for activities with children outside of school hours. Lotto Yongo! Baby

Lotto is designed for children 5-6 years old and is an effective aid in preparing for school, because
1. makes it easy to remember all combinations of addition and subtraction within 10;
2. teaches you to find the sum of 2 and 3 terms;;
3. teaches how to decompose a sum into terms;
4. teaches you to solve simple equations;
5. develops memory and attentiveness;
6. develops speech.

Age: from 4 years. Number of Players: 1 - 3. Game time: 5-10 minutes. Weight: ___
Equipment: 50 small chips, 3 small Yongo! chips, 9 large chips, 3 large Yongo! chips, 2 cotton bags, game rules, branded bag-handbag 10*8*23 cm.
Price: 450 rub.

In Yongo Lotto! you can play with your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters and, of course, with your friends.

Age: from 5 years. Number of Players: 2 - 3. Game time: 5-10 minutes. Weight: ___
Equipment: 110 small chips, 4 small Yongo! chips, one cotton bag, game rules, branded bag-handbag 21*18 cm.
Price: 600 rub.

Lotto Yongo! Master
An interesting game - an effective simulator for learning the multiplication tables.
Playing lotto, child
1. consolidates knowledge of the multiplication table - acquires the skills to use the table “up and down”;
2. learns to find a product of 2, 3, 4 factors;
3. learns to factor a product;
4. learns to solve simple equations;
5. gets acquainted with such concepts as “multiple” and “divisor”;
6. goes beyond the multiplication table;
7. develops memory and attentiveness;

Age: from 7 years. Number of Players: 1 - 6. Game time: 15 - 20 minutes. Weight: 275 g.
Equipment: 110 small chips, 42 large chips, 4 small Yongo! chips, 4 large Yongo! chips, 2 cotton bags, game rules, branded bag.
Price: 770 rub.

Lotto Yongo! 5 games in one

Age: from 7 years. Number of Players: 1 - 3. Game time: 15 - 20 minutes. Weight: 275 g.
Equipment: 110 small chips, 42 large chips, 4 small Yongo! chips, 4 large Yongo! chips, 3 cards, 2 cotton bags, game rules, branded bag.
Price: 900 rub.

Yongo Puzzle! - an analogue of the world famous T-teaser puzzle. The only difference is that in Yongo! proposes to assemble not one, but a hundred figures from the simplest four. At first glance, it’s incredible how you can assemble 100 from four figures? Try it, you'll see.
Yongo Puzzle! interesting for both adults and children. All tasks are distributed in order of increasing difficulty. Therefore, in the process of solving from simple to complex, you yourself will feel yourself starting to think outside the box. When collecting figures, sometimes it will seem that something is superfluous, something is missing. All figures have a solution! Look for him!
Recommendation: when playing with two or more people, it is better to purchase two or more puzzles, because observers of the game also show great interest in finding a solution and constantly try to suggest a solution (right or wrong, it doesn’t matter), preventing the player from thinking.

Oh, how much trouble it causes for schoolchildren!

“I taught, honestly, I taught!” says the child, but he cannot calculate how much 7x8 is.

Parents are even more upset when they see that the child cannot cope with this multiplication table and constantly makes mistakes in decisions.

Let's try to figure out how to cope with the multiplication table.

To begin with, I would like to especially emphasize that simply learning the table in order is not enough. It is necessary that the child knows how to use it, i.e. quickly find the answer you need. And this is achieved through training, solving many examples.

Now let's look at the 3 stages of memorization.

Understand the principle of multiplication. Sometimes it happens that the teacher asks in advance or the parents decide that they need to learn the multiplication tables already. And simple cramming begins. "2X2=4, 2X3=6, etc." Is it possible to remember something you don’t understand? The answer is clear - no. Therefore, there is practically no sense in such memorization.

You need to start by becoming familiar with the principle of multiplication. We replace addition with multiplication and vice versa, until the child understands that multiplying 4 by 5 means adding the number 4 5 times and nothing else. It is important to remember that when multiplying, the first factor shows the terms, and the second factor shows the number of these terms. Thus, at the first stage we introduce the principle of multiplication and create a multiplication table for each number.

Remember. When a child independently compiled a multiplication table for a number, for example, 4, it will be easier for him to remember. There are many ways to memorize, there will be material about this later. It is not so important how the child learns the table, it is important that he learns to use it.

At first, you can be allowed to look at the table when solving examples, and use many different tasks using the multiplication table. For example, name all examples with an answer less than 30, find examples where the product is an even number, etc.

Pin. Now let’s move on to the longest and most important stage – consolidating the multiplication tables. At this stage, you need to teach the child to quickly find the right answer, without resorting to remembering the entire table, as many children do without looking at the textbook. This is possible by repeatedly solving various examples and tasks.

If you give your child daily to solve 2-3 columns of examples of table multiplication, then, of course, there will be a result. The difficulty is that not all children will be happy to do this and not all parents have time to check so many examples.

You can take a simpler route - make a game. Moreover, you can do it yourself.

There are many different games, but I want to tell you how to make a simple domino, which will help you learn the multiplication tables easier without any problems.

Once in my childhood I had a similar domino, which helped not only us, but also many other children in mathematics. And you don’t have to buy it at all; you can easily make it yourself from ordinary cardboard. On the left side of the card we write the answer, and on the right - an example for multiplication. The principle of the game is the same as that of a regular domino.

Each game can have many variations. So here you can come up with many different games, many of them are described in the set.

Even if a child remembers the multiplication tables well, it’s too early to rejoice. Multiplication has the opposite effect - division, which in practice turns out to be more difficult than multiplication. Therefore, when consolidating multiplication, it is necessary to immediately learn the division table.

First, you should practice using an example for multiplication to make 2 examples for division. It is convenient to do this using the multiplication table itself. Have your child look at the table and make division examples.

3 x 6 =18

18: 3 = 6

18: 3 = 3

And then reinforce the multiplication and division tables with the help of games.

Here is an example of one such game - lotto. Everything is very simple. A field is made with examples of division and cards with answers. And you play.

In my example, the field is colored for a reason, but you can also make it just a black and white field. I think every family has cardboard, markers and scissors. You just need to spend a little time and make such cards with examples and answers, and then play.

If you don’t have time, you can order this Lotto Multiplication game and immediately get both dominoes for multiplication and lotto for division with all the game options. Order today and already on July 24 you will receive all the game options and will be able to play with your child almost immediately.

What will you need to play? A few sheets of regular cardboard, glue and scissors.

Regardless of whether you make the game yourself or use my game options, the result will be if you play. .